
how our stoke chiro helps arthritis sufferers

Our Stoke Chiropractor explains how chiropractors can help arthritis sufferers

Arthritis is a very common medical condition in the United Kingdom, affecting about 10 million people. It is a potentially debilitating condition that causes swelling and pain in the joints. Arthritis sufferers often struggle with mobility and find that the condition severely impacts their lifestyle. Our Newcastle under Lyme and Stoke chiropractic clinics often receive […]

sports injury treatment with our stoke chiro

Our Stoke Chiro Outlines 5 Incredible Benefits Of Chiropractic For Sportspeople

A significant proportion of the clients visiting our Newcastle Chiropractic Clinic or City Chiropractic Clinic do so because they have sustained a sporting injury. Our Stoke chiro will firstly assess their injury, then perform the necessary joint adjustments and soft tissue treatments to help their body heal more efficiently. These treatments also help to reduce […]