
Our Stoke Chiropractor Is Here To Help You Create A Healthy New Year Plan

Our Stoke Chiropractor Is Here To Help You Create A Healthy New Year Plan

The Christmas and New Year period is an exciting time of year, as you get a chance to catch up with friends and family. Most people will also spend the holiday break reflecting on the year that has passed and thinking about what will happen in the year to come. It is a fantastic time […]

back care advice for office workers from our stoke chiropractor

8 Best Ways To Stay Active During The Work Day

As the owner of a chiropractic clinic in Stoke on Trent and Newcastle under Lyme, I see and treat many patients a week.  Many of these patients are experiencing back pain and poor posture caused by spending too much time sitting down. When I explain that the health issues they are experiencing are exacerbated by […]

Simple Ways To Avoid Common Causes Of Back Pain

Back pain is one of the world’s most common health problems.  According to the World Health Organisation, it is also in the top 10 diseases and injuries accounting for disability-adjusted life years (number of years lost due to ill-health).  It can affect people of any age, potentially affecting their work life and general well-being. Fortunately, […]

Don’t Let Christmas Stress You Out

There’s no mistaking that Christmas is approaching fast! There’s lots to get done in the lead up to the big day and of course on the big day itself! For many people their stress levels increase over this period. The stress response is a the bodies way of preparing us for a potentially dangerous situation […]

Get Your Body Ready For A Healthy Winter

It’s never too early to get your body ready for the winter months. Colds and bugs abound during the winter months but following a few simple tips can help prepare your body and keep it healthy during the winter. Our chiropractors at Newcastle Chiropractic Clinic suggest the following tips to get you started: Start your […]

Back Aches & Pains Are Not Uncommon During Pregnancy

During pregnancy a woman’s body goes through a lot of changes. Many of these changes will result in extra pressure and stress on the joints of the spine and for some women this can result in back aches and pains. Some of the more common reasons for back aches and pains during pregnancy include: increased […]

Has Wimbledon Got You Reaching For Your Racket?

Two weeks of watching Wimbledon can have many people reaching for their tennis racket and heading to the tennis courts. Our chiropractors at Newcastle Chiropractic Clinic encourage people to get more active and to take regular exercise, however,  it’s important to do it in a safe way.  After all taking the exercise is meant to […]

Mums Take Care of Your Backs

It’s Mother’s Day this coming Sunday and we wish all you mums a happy and healthy day. Mums often underestimate just how much pressure they put their backs under on a daily basis. Our Newcastle under Lyme chiropractor offers this general posture advice to all mums to help them keep their backs safe. Improving your […]

Is Back Pain Putting You Off Exercise Asks Our Newcastle Under Lyme Chiropractor – Read This!

Exercise may be the last thing you feel like doing when you feel chronic pain. But if you’re inactive, your muscles lose their conditioning, your body won’t function as well as it could do and you’ll actually feel more pain! As difficult as it may sound, exercise and general physical activity is likely to be […]