
Chiropractic Care — 11 Things That May Surprise You

Chiropractic Care — 11 Things That May Surprise You

Chiropractic is one of the most misunderstood medical professions.  Although therapeutic spinal manipulation has been around for thousands of years, chiropractic has only been used in Western countries for about 100 years.  This makes it a relatively new field compared to most other medical specialisations and research and evidence in chiropractic continues to grow.  To help […]

Simple Ways To Avoid Common Causes Of Back Pain

Back pain is one of the world’s most common health problems.  According to the World Health Organisation, it is also in the top 10 diseases and injuries accounting for disability-adjusted life years (number of years lost due to ill-health).  It can affect people of any age, potentially affecting their work life and general well-being. Fortunately, […]

The Problem With Painkillers

For many people who suffer with chronic headaches or migraines, reaching in the medicine cabinet on a daily basis is almost second nature. But did you know that the more you increase your dosage of painkillers, the more you could potentially make your pain worse?   For some, reaching for the tablets every morning is […]