Causes of Sciatica
Your spinal cord acts like an electrical grid, sending impulses from your brain to the lower back. Individual nerves branch off and supply sensation as well as movement throughout the body.
This is what allows you to move and feel touch, heat or cold; however anything that interferes with this transmission can cause pain problems in different parts of your body depending on which nerve was affected by interference.
Sciatica Symptoms
This condition is known as "sciatica" because it impacts the sciatic nerve, which supplies your back and outside of your thigh. Symptoms vary in severity but may include a dull ache to constant sharp shooting pain that can be exacerbated by certain positions or movements.
Sciatica Treatment
To help you get free of this condition, we will treat the source of your nerve irritation.
It is important for you to follow your treatment plan closely and always to be sure to tell us immediately if you experience any progression of your leg pain, numbness or weakness.
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