Two weeks of watching Wimbledon can have many people reaching for their tennis racket and heading to the tennis courts. Our chiropractors at Newcastle Chiropractic Clinic encourage people to get more active and to take regular exercise, however, it’s important to do it in a safe way. After all taking the exercise is meant to make you be and feel healthier and not find yourself with an injury!
Whether you are planning on hitting the tennis court or taking some other form of exercise our chiropractors have some simple steps they recommend you take to stay injury and strain free:
- Be sure to warm up before starting
- Ease yourself gradually into the exercise
- Keep your fluid intake up to prevent dehydration
- Be mindful of the pressure you are putting on your joints especially if you are repeating the same actions
- Always allow time to warm down as part of your exercise
Before starting any new form of exercise and especially if you have a pre-existing condition it may be advisable to seek medical advice from your chiropractor or other medical professional who will be able to advise you appropriately.