It seems that people are putting up their Christmas decorations earlier and earlier every year! Maybe this is fuelled by celebrities (used in the loosest sense of the word!) are busy posting images of their decorations? Or could it be the start of the battler for the best Christmas TV Ad? Well whatever the reasons we’re sure that in many households the next few weeks will see the annual task of decorating our homes for Christmas get underway.
In most instances this is a ‘fun’ time but it’s not without its dangers too! As chiropractors we can’t but focus on your back and offer some advice to help you keep your back safe while doing the Christmas decorating!
Buying the Tree: If you’re planning on buying a tree this year then it may be a good idea to take someone along to give you a hand to lift and carry it and get it into the car.
Putting up the decorations: Putting up the decorations can be more strenuous than it looks – there’s lifting, carrying and stretching involved so be mindful of your back when doing all of these. You may need to use a ladder to put up the decorations so take care and use the ladder safely – definitely no overstretching whilst on the ladder please! Always best to get someone to hold the ladder for you.
Wrapping the presents: The floor may start out as being a good idea to do the wrapping on but it really isn’t. Use a raised surface like a table or work top to avoid straining your back.
Whatever activity you are doing remember to take regular breaks and do some simple stretches to loosen off.
Happy decorating from our team at Newcastle Chiropractic Clinic.