The median nerve is responsible for our feeling and sensation on the palm side of our first three-and-a-half fingers. If it gets compressed or irritated as it travels through your carpal tunnel, you're more likely to develop Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS), which affects 3% - 5% of people around the world.
CTS can be caused by prolonged wrist flexion and/or repetitive motions. When supermarket scanning, keyboard use, carpentry or assembly line work are done for long periods of time they may cause CTS due to the exposure to vibration or cold.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome can affect both your dominant and non-dominant hand, but it is more common in the former. Some risk factors for developing CTS include diabetes, thyroid disease, rheumatoid arthritis (RA), alcoholism or kidney problems. Fluid retention during pregnancy can also cause carpel tunnel symptoms(CTS).
A tingling sensation is the most common symptom of carpal tunnel syndrome. The pain and discomfort you feel can also sometimes extend towards your elbow. Although, it usually starts as nighttime discomfort or waking up with numb hands but quickly progresses to a constant annoyance that requires treatment immediately.
If you are one of the many people with carpal tunnel syndrome, your symptoms may be exacerbated by holding things like books when reading or a steering wheel while driving. To reduce this early on, try to shake out your hands every once in awhile and sometimes feel as though they are tight or swollen.
In severe cases where hand weakness has set in, it can cause difficulty performing day-to-day tasks such as turning doorknobs without pain so make sure to get treatment right away!
Treating CTS
If you have carpal tunnel syndrome, avoid repetitive wrist flexion. For example, performing pushups will likely worsen your condition and grasping the handlebars on a bicycle might lead to increased irritation of your injury.
Our office may prescribe a special splint that keeps your wrist in a neutral or slightly extended position that will help with your night-time symptoms.
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